A flawed, but fun experience. Listening to some characters like Springs and Pickle is like nails on a chalkboard. Even with some more annoying characters and hit or miss jokes as always, there is some solid background added to some of the bl2 cast. This is including, but not limited to Moxxi, Jack, CLTP and more. The gameplay loop was fun, and the skill trees introduced skills similiar to capstones in the middle and made for fun and gimmicky builds. There is not a single boring character, and my favorites consist of the Doppelganger and CLTP. Unfortunately, the world is too big and it can really just feel empty. I can understand we're on the moon, but it does break up the pacing a little and can feel like a slog. Buildings are great though, with solid looting and shooting. Character interaction is my favorite part and I wish it could be brought back into later entries ex. the CLTP at the gate. My favorite part of this game has to be the story expansion, it connects right with bl2 and has some amazing writing allowing you to see what went wrong. It has great level design, and introduces a new weapon type. I don't wish to spoil on this, so feel free to play it if it's on sale. It makes for some pretty mindless fun and all the vault hunters are pretty good. Humor can be forced, but it's bearable.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2022
