Improves the foundation set by the 1st and catches lightning in a bottle. Camera can get a bit funky, but there is a reset camera button that works just fine. The only time I had an issue with the camera was during chapter 7, as a bad camera angle made a jump damn near unreactable. The game has a better garage in which you can now experiment alongside listening to your favorite tracks. The game does not hold your hand and instead teaches you with it's level design mostly, billboards stick out and you'll want to jump at them. Level design is mostly a circle with a lot of verticality so it's hard to get lost especially with the map. An example of the game teaching you with level design is a wire leading to a billboard alongside another wire. The tutorial teaches you the very basics and is more than enough to get by, but there are options to learn. Tagging people is still very fun, and requires understanding of the mechanics to catch up. All the levels are pretty good Skyscraper district being my favorite, since it introduces a new gimmick to gain acceleration and the platforming is fun.. Tricks keep the player experimenting and are a way to gain acceleration/ height. Tagging no longer requires skill checks and is a great way to keep you in the action. Plot is still great as it's a rehash from the previous game with a few liberties. Character designs are great as always with Jet and Cube being at the top for me. Jet's redesign is great and I dig the black. Musicis killer as always, they don't call hideki the funky uncle for nothing. The vocalists absolutely killed it in here. Some of my favorite tracks are: Funky Dealer, Like this like that and concept of love for the non licensed and aisle 10 for the licensed. It's hard to find a track not to like until you hear birthday cake (I'm sorry D: ). Music really makes the experience a 100 times more memorable, it's so good I'd just leave the character dancing at times. Overall this game is amazing and I can see why it touched so many and became a childhood classic for some. If you have the time please check this game out whether it be through certain means, or an original xbox. I hope it is released in other platforms in the future, so it can be accessible to everyone. I'll end it with a banger quote from the game: "The FUTURE is one BIG BLANK SLATE ya'll! And it's up to YOU to decide what goes on in it".

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2022
