pretty great, but it's no dark souls 3 or elden ring. I feel like that comparison is going to anger some people, but eh.

but before I start: whatever you do don't make a dex build, please don't play dex. I ignored the warnings, I shouldn't have ignored them, I should have just listened. you get like 4 viable options for weapons and it's a pain to grind upgrade materials.

moving on.

the level design is where most of the difficulty lies for this one, the bosses are quite easy. which is fine of course, but it does kinda change the main focus compared to later games.

as for the quality of the level design, I'd say it's overall good, although the game does kinda suffer at times from a lack of checkpoints or shortcuts. the first level impressed me with its shortcuts, and by putting the boss right at the start and making the whole level about unlocking it.... but then a lot of the remaining game kindoff forgets what shortcuts are. I'm fine with them doing shortcuts in favour of checkpoints, but they should actually stick to that.

one thing I do like is the level themes: it's a lot of themes you don't really see back in later games, or atleast not done as well.
shrine of storms for example is this game's catacombs level, and it's much more unique and interesting than what later games do. same with tower of latria, being a dungeon level. the second half of tower of latria is also just really really cool and messed up.
stonefang tunnel is also something you don't really see much in later games, and when you do it's not as extensive as this.
valley of defilement is your usual poison swamp inhabited by poor people though, except this time, it's actually as bad as they say.

difficulty-wise, this game is fairly easy compared to later games. all of the bosses were very easy for me, but they were still enjoyable. the levels were also easier than later games, though they could still be tricky at times. difficulty isn't everything of course, just thought I'd mention.

I played the remake, but I'll give my impressions on both soundtracks:
remake: good, albeit a bit generic. some music fits better, some fits worse, some about equally well.
original: just not really my thing. I have a hard time really hearing the creepiness or negativity some have described, and it just kinda sounds awkward and so bad it's good to me. sorry. armoured spider and phalanx are a jam though.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2023
