This is not a Platnium game. This is a Yoko Taro game. I wish I knew this before playing.

I went into this game with the wrong expectations. I wish I didn’t have any expectations for this game at all. Here’s what I thought “This Yoko Taro guy seems a little goofy and Platinum is making the game! That means it’s like Metal Gear Rising!” I was very wrong.

The combat is the only platinum DNA in this game, the rest is Yoko Taro. It’s open world, blegh. I didn't like having to run around to get to new content. It WAS mitigated by the fast travel station, but then they reset them so you have to go and reactivate all of them.

Since I thought this was gonna be a fun goofy adventure like Bayonetta or MGR, I didn’t take anything seriously and that really fucked a lot up for me. You’re supposed to go into this game with an RPG mind not a DMC mind.

I just had these little nitpicks all because I thought it was gonna be a level to level character action game with all the goofy humor and references that Platinum is famous for. I just feel bad about it. I wanted this game to be in my favorites of all time, I wanted to be part of the group that loves this game, and I’m still trying to LOVE it but I just can’t.

It’s a good game and I recommend playing it. There’s some really unique things that happen in it that I won’t spoil because you have to keep playing. Stick with it and promise, no crying till the end.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2022
