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Yeah this game is almost as crap as everyone says. Honestly I feel bad for Sonic Team having less manpower and time than was needed in order to finish the game before the deadline on top of their producer leaving mid-project. It has neat ideas and a good ost but the ridiculous story, abundant glitches, mediocre level design, and jank-ass physics make the game simultaneously a chore to play and an absolute treasure, it wraps around to being so bad it’s good. The game is bad but not too awful up until the last story, then it becomes miserable. Play it to see how not to make a videogame and why deadlines, appropriate time management, budget, and staff are all important to game dev. I commend Sonic Team for attempting to stick to a vision even though this project became more doomed as development went on and this game ended up irrevocably changing how Sonic is perceived by the internet and even gaming communities at large.