This is genuinely a masterpiece and all, but it's also the most Nintendo-ass Nintendo-game Nintendo has ever made. It starts off and you're like, oh, an animated ghost land, cool. Then the game's like, neat, right, now here's a world full of photo-realistic dinosaurs. And you're like, uh, why? And it's like, I dunno, uh, here's a boss fight with a bunny rabbit that throws spiky green top hats. And you go, ok, that's more normal. Then the game's like, nice, cool, here's a section where you go to a sprawling metropolis filled with anatomically correct humans that'll force you to question Mario's entire existence cause he's clearly some mutated imitation of them... oh, and after that, you really have to check out the bizarrely realistic dragon boss we just copy and pasted from a gritty fantasy RPG... what do you mean the bit where you possess a severely anxious snow creature using your sentient hat so you can coerce the local people into fuelling your hot air balloon was a little bit weird?

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2023
