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1 day

Last played

July 27, 2017

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After 100+ hours and beating Delirium with several different characters, I'd say I have this game pretty well beaten. Really, I had it beaten quite a while ago, but more runs to unlock more stuff with new characters is just so addicting!

Not gonna say too much. It's Binding of Isaac. It's a fucking fantastic rogue-lite, perhaps the best out there. The Switch port is absolutely fantastically done. The game looks beautiful, runs perfectly, and all of the new content that the '+' entails add that much more to mess around with!

Verdict: Highly Recommended. As stated before, it's Binding of Isaac. If you like rogue-lites, chances are you've already played it a long time ago. If you do like rogue-lites and haven't played it yet and have a PC or a Switch, then I cannot recommend picking up this enough.