My brother's favorite fighting game when he was back in college, which I happened to find at the local resale store for real cheap a few months back. It's good fun, but I'm pretty bad at it. I'm not the biggest Naruto fan, but I did watch a decent portion of the original series back then the English dub was on TV, so I'm reasonably familiar with the story in the mission mode. It's fun, but I'm not very good at it Xp

It's an Eighting game, so like Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, it's a matter of simple to learn, hard to master. A normal attack button and a special attack button along with joystick combonations make up your normal attack ripitioure. After that, you've got a big mess of combos, dashing clockwise and counter-clockwise, a chakra bar for directional counters and supers, as well as counters to really spice things up and make you feel like you're trash at fighting games (which I am :P ). The game loads CRAZY fast for a disk game though. Like, you'd almost think it was on a cartridge with how quick it loads. The framerate dips during some of the super move animations, but other than that, it runs great and looks really smooth as well.

The presentation is top notch. The voice acting is all great (if it isn't from the show directly, it's definitely the same voice actors), and characters will even have unique enterance dialogue depending on whom they're fighting. Music is varried and fun, lots of very colorful stages which are locations from the show. Tons of characters, but they take FOREVER to unlock. That is the worst thing I can say about the game: It would literally take you days of grinding money to unlock all the characters (something which I did not do. I just beat the arcade and mission modes).

Verdict: Recommended. If you like Gamecube 4-player fighters, this one is great fun with some great depth. It starts with 10 of 25 characters unlocked, and it's not an insurmountable feat to unlock a few more (unless you're dead set on Orochimaru or Itashi, in which case you're gonna be there for a long while). It's pretty cheap as well, so it won't break the bank!

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024
