I saw this on Nitrorad's list of games and thought it looked cool. The whole aesthetic captures that Late PS1 and Dreamcast feel of 2D in 3D, even if a little on the simpler side, and the Mario Odyssey looking movement got my interest. and is absolutely appealing. Thankfully, all of those are there and feel great. Despite being a 2D sprite I never got confused as to where I was in the 3D space which is a miracle.

But one thing that might put someone off is the difficulty in tandem with the checkpoint system, but I feel it's me to blame on that one. It's really easy to forget that you're making your own checkpoints here, so if you die after a long stretch (you will) it's back to your last faraway checkpoint or the start. That said if you're thirsting for some challenging platforming, this game's got it at least. There were some rare janky deaths and a few hazards that lack some SFX, but once you know they're there they won't get you twice. I commend this game for trying something different with its checkpoint systems, but there's a reason why most games just place them for you.

The platforming is solid but the combat is overly simple and plays out the exact same every time, even after you get more abilities, making it more of a time waster than anything. The levels can also be needlessly spacious, especially erronious are the death planes being miles away from where you are, so if you fall you will feel it (you can hold Up on the DPad to be sent back faster but it takes a bit). This is especially egregious in the worst level of the game, Sewer Factory (First Trip) which if you try to play smart you will easily get lost and find yourself in a huge expanse of nothing on the rooftops (it's used in Second Trip, but they should have gated the area off better)) This spaciousness extends to the overworld, which you have to traverse your first time in each area. It's nice to feel like a world is there, but it could have been a little smaller there.

The story tries to have a mini arc with Luci but since the story is hardly there it just kinda misses. other than that the story serves its purpose fine. I'm not the biggest fan of Beebz's voice but it's fitting and everyone else is well too. Meanwhile the music slaps and is the best part of the game.

If you play this game, please remember to place your checkpoints wisely!

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2023
