An improvement over RC Pro AM for the most part, with elevation adding cool tricks, upgrading in the shop adding more strategy, and the AI being more fair for the most part (it will rubber band to be infront of you, but it'll slow down a bit if you get too far behind to make it feel like you have a chance)

I will say though airplanes are an awful addition of a hazard, and the upgrade system for the AI makes no sense since cars will still automatically become better than you when logic dictates that you should generally remain on top.

I counted playing through all 24 tracks and being ontop of the leaderboard as beating the game, as asking you to repeat 12 tracks so the number can reset just feels like unnecessary padding when I've already seen everything the game has to offer, even if it isn't "X but slightly harder". Again it's from a different era where games weren't meant to be beat but played as long as you could go arcade style, so I can't hold it against the game too much.

It's an impressive game on the NES, and if someone can explain to me how an NES game can have 4 player I'm curious to know.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2024
