It's really cute and pretty unique. Feels too simplistic at first but the battle system demands more out of you as the game goes on. I wish befriending Yokai wasn't even more luck reliant than SMT Negotiations but getting one feels great.

This game really truly excels in its world. It really feels like you're a kid in a small town, a little nostalgic even. It's filled with these little details like taking your shoes off when you enter the house, or a jingle plays if you make sure the light is green before crossing an intersection with no other reward. Or how two of the final trials are 1. Are you a helpful person around town and 2. Always be honest. It's nice to encourage good morals like in this fun little game.

But it is very child-like, just going on a bunch of random adventures with these Yokai, you know in SPRINGDALE which is filled with YO-KAI in AMERICA. We could talk about how much of a marketing blunder it was in the west and how Level-5 can't maintain a hit franchise even in just Japan to save their lives, but I'd rather focus on the game.

I got to be a cute girl, the monsters are varied and unique (and again, were destined to never catch on outside Japan but boy did they try), music's good and battle system's fun. Once falsely labeled as a Pokemon killer (though Pokemon took the wrong notes from this game sadly), I consider Yo-Kai Watch a hidden gem that I recommend.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2021
