If there was ever a game that needed a fresh coat of paint, it'd be this one. The cutscene (yes, only one. Why would you expect a proper closing cutscene after the super cute opening cutscene you silly) and gameplay are like going from day to nightmare, they don't match up at all. I think if the game got a complete visual overhaul to match the artstyle of that opening, as well as made a proper closing cutscene at the very minimum, that'd bump things up several points.

The gameplay also needs a second glance. The puzzle mechanics are fun and quite challenging when they work, but you can tell most of the solutions you reach aren't the ones intended by the developer, ranging from oversight solutions to glitch solutions, both effectively making you skip the puzzle in several instances. Also in the final world if you undo after performing a certain action, you'll be softlocked and have to restart the level.

Music is fine but human-made SFX are not fine or charming I wish indies would stop that.

It just needs more visual polish, more puzzle polish, there's potential but the game doesn't have the budget to capitalize on it.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2022
