What the fuck? That Youtube nerd a video game? I bet his head was so far up his ass he was inspired by all the shit that was inside and took a massive dump and this fucking bullshit came out. Well let's see how it is.

(I played the remastered version of this game where you have infinite lives and checkpoints and whatnot, on its Normal mode)

It's actually quite entertaining. Yeah it can be bullshit at times and the Haunted Mansion level existing alongside the Assholevania one is a little redundant, but it gets a lot of laughs out of me. Especially with how much shit they got away with in the Atari Adult game level holy fuck. Among all the references to unlicensed adult games in this stage, I don't think there will ever be another game that will have the balls to have Custer's Revenge as a boss fight ever again and that alone is worthy of respect.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2022
