6 reviews liked by Pinefall

They took a Movie where the entire concept was all about Video games and how they interlink with each other, turned that said movie into an actual video game brimming with ideas, and made it the most dogshit & dry ass game imaginable. How is that even possible

An absolute masterpiece in gameplay and storytelling, Kojima could never.

Oh man... This is a review that's gonna tug on my heart man. Let me get this out the way:

Sonic Superstars is a fun 2D Sonic game, but it is a very ROUGH experience. In my time playing it, I personally did not experience many glitches, but I did witness glitches happen to friends whilst they were playing during a Discord VC. The controls are super nice and are almost one to one with other classic games; The level design and aesthetic is really good and friends and I were very pleased to see the many references sprinkled in a few zones here and there.

Here's where the problems come in tho. The Soundtrack is a mixed bag worse than a mid 2000s fangame. It feels like songs were pulled from different titles; The most egregious being tracks done by Jun Senoue, whose work in this game sounds like scraps from Sonic 4 EP.III or something. Its a real shame because partway through the game, thats most of the songs you'll hear. This strange botched attempt at Genesis style music, the overuse of the Sonic 1 and 2 snare; It gets frustrating, especially during the long and tedious boss fights that will test your patience.

The final boss for the main campaign is such a annoying battle, it genuinely took some of my enjoyment out of the game. I have not done the other campaign yet, but as of right now, I cannot reccomend people getting this game at full price.

Sonic Superstars needed more time in the oven to iron out things that are wrong with it.

A challenging title that flips the platformer genre on its head. Subversive, witty, and full of charm, King K Roller 2 is bound to have even the most die-hard platforming fanatics clamoring for more.

This game is exactly what a sequel should be - better in every way. This is one of those games I wish I'd played when it first released, because it truly is something special. Very interested in where Double Fine will go after this

I got my ass beat by a fucking gourd and everyone laughed at me on VC