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1 day

Last played

July 4, 2023

Platforms Played


Still trying to figure out if I like JRPGs and I've retreated back to the 80s. I enjoyed this a lot more than expected! It's impressive something that felt this big and grand could exist on the NES.

Definitely wouldn't have made it without some enhancements from this remaster though. I toggled encounters off from time to time, mainly when I was deep into a dungeon and wanted to retreat to restock my inventory. I'm glad they give the option to do that and trust that you'll play the game the way you most enjoy.

But I mostly left encounters on and just clicked through them, which I think made me overleveled a little? That's fine. To someone like me who's mostly here for the story, it's more fun to steamroll through encounters than get stuck. The final boss gave me a scare when I thought I might have to try strategy, but the DPS won out in the end.

I'm excited to explore the rest of this series. Which is good, because I've already bought all 6.