As a narrative and exploration focused gamer, I had never been a fan of difficult bosses. They always felt like solid brick walls built to ruin the flow of exploration, and I’d have to smash myself against them repeatedly for hours to get through. Easy mode was my usual solution if it was available. I thought I would never understand how some people could enjoy this frustrating aspect of gaming, so much so there was even a whole genre dedicated to it.

But then, I tried Hollow Knight. It was the first game ever I managed to “get good” at. It was the first game that taught me what getting good even means, how to do it, and most importantly, how it could be fun. Hollow Knight was a perfectly tuned game for bridging the gap between exploration and challenge. The platforming controls were smooth and precise. New abilities were introduced at a steady pace, accompanied with intuitive level design that naturally encouraged experimentation and mastery. The clean art style with minimal visual noise, along with excellent sound design, rendered even the most difficult enemies very readable and learnable.

Yes I died a lot, but each time my skill and knowledge of the game was increasing. As I slowly overcame the challenges that I had thought impossible, I was also getting hooked on that sweet dopamine rush of victory. Even after the credits rolled I was still obsessed, going for that 112% completion. I was happy to spend weeks conquering all the crazy challenges and bosses the game had to offer.

Of course, it wasn’t just about the arduous battles. This beautiful fallen kingdom of bugs was also replete with great characters, tragedies, comedies, and secrets. Even as I approached the endgame I was still discovering whole new areas, all illustrated lovingly with distinct styles and packed with great content. I didn’t expect to become so attached to Hallownest and its insect residents, but by the end I was fully invested in all their stories.

I know that Hollow Knight doesn’t fit neatly into the Souls-like genre, but it certainly opened my mind to those games that I had previously avoided. I can now explore a whole new corner of my favorite hobby with a fresh perspective and newfound confidence, thanks to this game. Hollow Knight was one of the most memorable and exciting adventures I’ve had in gaming.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024
