No wayyyyy there's fast travel in my french FMV. It's giving Ubisoft a little. The absolute stellar voice acting is enough drive to solve the puzzles, which send you to Wikipedia and let you cook your own thing. You click on keywords and fuck around. I even learn some stuff which makes it a very L video game. What in the fresh hell is the Principality of the Ohio Rizzler?? Help!!!

It's kinda funny when you think about it. You destroy some guy and then you sort of play as him. They made him an underdog so the story could be rad. Fuck it in his honor let's wrap this up in french. Le nombre de jurons prononcés à la volée à propos du doux seigneur fait une longue liste, ça vaut presque le coup de progresser pour ça. Et au passage ça donne envie de dire "Mouche! Loué soit tu" à tout va. Je ne nie pas la nature éducatif de la chose mais ya un khey qui pend sur une des map c chaud. Inshallah il va reprendre ses forces 🙏 faut savoir aussi que Arthaud à l'air hébété en toute circonstance et ça me fume, BREF.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2023
