"Why do birds poop white?" son, they poop fire and ice, haven't you played Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards? I feel seen... Oh, it's the box art. Please look away, Kirby-san! This game is suffering from compulsive peak disorder and I'm the one diagnosing shit around these parts. A splendiferous last hurrah to many cultural remnants of the pink ball, like the little stars, the enemies, and a gimmick that gives you a shitload of ability combos that I actively seek out. Ado also comes back as a freind but that's her deadname don't use it 🤣 (she got one name for every clothing set). We will watch her shortlived career with great interest.

Like every old fart (anybody born before me) probably anticipated after the numerous jocular intermissions plaguing the series since its first entry, there are jocular cutscenes here, too! They are very delightful. I swear, jocular doesn't seem like a real word. In these cutscenes, we meet our allies: Bandana Waddle Dee (he's the only liddle dee that matters. Bro is him), King Dedede??! Yep what a turncoat, and the last is Ado who I have already mentioned. She serves a hearty meal of tomato once in a while, she's clearly doing her best. Waddle Dee, meanwhile, uses his suspiciously different colored feets to step on the gas of various machinery he does not have a license for. While they were all intended to be playable, it is finally King Dedede that you get to clobber dat dere enemies with.

I forgot Ribbon, anyways, look at those enemies. Kirby takes it one step further and can take them hostage, forcing them to kill their own family (swag) "Um i'm a biblical angel of death 🤓" stfu dioxygen I'm coming with the "Swiss Army" ability! <-- clueless. I will be taking Sephiroth hostage see how you parry this 😂 in true Kirby's Dream Land 2 fashion, the one combo I've used almost all game is the aforementioned Needle Needle ability. Press B to win! But I did replay afterwards to test out what I didn't get to test. Some of those are peculiar ngl, instead of using his cellphone to call a warp star, which he has never had to do before, he should have called Kirby reddit to give him even weirder abilities.

I cant believe Whispy Woods got kids bruh 😭 when did he find the time to settle down? I guess letting him walk in DL3 is letting him cook 🗣️ I guess Ripple Field went from the rainbow islands to a whole new planet? I do like the map design and environment of this game! One of the best in the N64 some might say. Despite the non-linearity of the path, it was easily navigable. Underwater sections have been known to be breathtaking at times too. The concept of room guarders is pretty weird, what are they guarding? Still, they became staples, there is no place for critic. One complaint I might have about this game is that I keep getting pit deaths! My name is not helping me at all, platforming be damned these Neo Star falling logs can muster a mean fall. The picnic shit at the end of levels is funny though. Look at my boy all sad and sobbing because he jumped on grass

Reviewed on May 16, 2024


21 days ago

i should really play this game

20 days ago

I hope they arrest kirby

20 days ago

@Dalf it's really fun and not too long... a recipe for success...

@_YALP you are a jocular fellow, arent you