Yeah I just added that coolio lil fangame into da database. Hooray me. I discovered the game when it was a babyyyy (2019, November to be exactamundo) and I've been an absent father. YIPPEEEE so yeah. By March 2023 the game was already out for almost a year, and I decided to be a responsible father and review my child. Not mine per se. Credits due to Mythridate as I quite like what they did as a solo project. The UI work is lickety-good 👌 (this is not a real word). I think they are now qualified... for this. GRAAAAA JOB APPLICATION JUMPSCARE sorry sorry. Not a slight at anybody! Echo should have hit the Walmart joint for a chunk of change, 3 pesos, we are SO in.

Anyway it's like a mini-Danganronpa, has some sci-fi elements that kinda come in unannounced and is pretty weird ngl ngl but otherwise the setting grounded. Echo Pine got a tall ass girl friend... but they (Echo is non-binary, like the game's developer! Reader will remember this) does not know, something malicious is brewing... they be like "Yummm I love the smell of gasoline in the morning" but uh oh, what is this? Hot people!! hi 😳😳 nobody's barking for such dirty reasons though, only directing the power of the voices (they remain) at the hidden cameras. Not so hidden now, are they? They deserve a standing ovation for mishandling of a gun, though. Bravo!

A closed setting with a bunch of students, building relationships with one another? This is my favorite time of the year. Cyrus kinda sussy he's using friend group A humor with friend group B. Missy kinda goofball too. She's a 10% but she can be 💯 if the situation calls. Why is Lyle all zesty likeeee brutha u zesty as hell brutha 😂 Artussy got him acting unwise. Art is very fun. He seems the type to share a banana with a monkey and make monkey noises to bond with the simian creatura. Kanon best girl... CANON. The most trans a trans has ever transed. She do be spittin fax rn. Forte is... 💔💔 😳🥰 Pandora homeschool she was cooked at home. Why don't we have Pandora at home? Because she is. She's homo I mean home ahah and the last student is Sei. What's there to say about Sei? There is a lot I'm sure but I respect her right to privacy. I think if I bumped on a wall she might have an episode and think about the dangers of wall in today's society.

Time between murders is short and the murders are pretty simple, but the writing and art are cozy despite how grim most of the plot is. I don't wanna say I'd live there because heehee be fr my life matters. But the juxtaposition between the presentation and the actual atmosphere, the feeling of the game quite lingers in the mind. The game does lack the substance you'd expect due to cutting down on the basic formula, but it does (buzzsentence incoming) achieve what it sets out to do. Not the type of protagonist I'm usually fond of, but Echo is a cool little feller. They have that puppi in them ong.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2023
