(Hard/Classic player)

I've never played an SRPG before Engage, hell I didn't play that many RPGs in general and honestly I only picked this game up because it was new, I had a lot of money from my birthday and wanted to try the series out for a while now

3 playthroughs and 200 hours later - holy shit I love this game.

Fantastic map design throught the entire main campaign, an astounding amount of fun mechanics, consistently great music and the game is just gorgeous - even on my regural handheld Switch the colors just pop and the combat animations are full of life and energy.
As for the story, I honestly think people are too hard on it. It's definitely not a game you play for the story as it definitely has bad bits (most stuff related to the Four Hounds), but most of it is perfectly average with the occasional good moment like Chapters 10, 24 and 25. I've seen people online describing this story as it killed their dog or something and I think that's just a bit silly. The character cast however is very fun - they're not the most deep or fleshed out characters out there but I do enjoy almost all of them and most support chains left me with a smile, also the voice actors are suprisingly good.

So yeah, I'm sold on Fire Emblem now. Engage is seriously fantastic, just don't expect much from the story and you're ought to have a great time if you enjoy SRPGs

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2024
