fantastic start to the year!!

after playing half life last year, it’s safe to say i was sold on the valve shooter formula. portal is a very concise game but its able to pack the same creativity, strong atmosphere, level design, and fun gunplay that was present in half life in a better overall package. there is not as much jank here, which is much appreciated.

honestly not sure i should’ve played this so long after portal 2 (nearly 4 years) so i can’t really make an accurate comparison, but just based off these initial impressions, it feels just as good to control and maneuver as portal 2. the story was different in that i feel like there was more environmental storytelling here than actual narrative beats and exposition. love that decision

portal 2 is just one of my favorite games ever so it’s no surprise i enjoyed the first one to this degree. excellently done valve, please make games again.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
