Damn, this video game adaptation of The Ring (2002) + The Grudge (2004) is pretty sick!

F.E.A.R. is a game that has slipped my attention many years despite me knowing of its existence, but playing it has given me one of the most fun and satisfying experiences I've had with a FPS on a purely mechanical level. It can't be overstated how much effort was spent polishing environmental details along with the enemy AI, which runs circles around many games today to a terrifying degree. The "bullet time" mechanic meant to improve your reflexes by slowing down in-game time rewards a level of hyper aggression that makes fights fast and exciting and gives all weapons a chance to shine. I'm used to shotguns being outclassed on higher difficulties since getting up close and personal with enemies is usually a death sentence that will have you instantly sniped (cough HALO 2 cough), but I played on the second highest difficulty and this shotgun FUCKS HARD AND DIRTY! A.I. is great at navigating the labyrinthian hallways and deploys solid tactics when trying to bring you down. I almost couldn't imagine the difficulty without the ability to slow down time.

What also really impresses me is that it takes the two seemingly contradictory sensations, that of being in a kickass power-fantasy and the vulnerability of being hunted down by an unknown being, and perfectly incorporates the two. It's easy to get caught up ragdolling and drop-kicking dozens of enemies in the moment, but when everything quiets down and you're left wandering the lonely industrial facilities, this game pulls some creepy shit. It blurs the line between hallucinations and paranormal anomalies so well that you'll question whether that shadow you saw from the corner of your eye was something you should be concerned about or not.

TLDR; Adrenaline "Point" Man vs Psychic was a kick-ass dynamic and I have no idea why an atmospheric horror game has such dynamic combat. But it's entirely welcome :)

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2022


1 year ago

very based

1 year ago

Based on The Ring (2002) + The Grudge (2004) 👍

Fr though I was partially inspired to get the game based on your review @Nancyfly, so thanks for the killer recommendation.

1 year ago

just saw that comment sorry, but im glad my review played a part in getting you to play it :3