The overall plot is that W was sent to this island "Sector City" (as opposed to City Sector which is a level in this game) because they received an e-mail asking them to "Find Professor Aida". OOO got sent there because the Kougami Foundation sent him there for whatever reason. Accel follows W, ProtoBirth and Birth are sent there by the Kougami Foundation, it also turns out Gotou and Terui know each other since they work in the same police station and Terui is his superintendent. Zero-One is just there because "AI research" or something.

Each character plays different except not actually. Flying forms and characters share the same controls and basically the same moves. Zero-One and Gatakiriba both have high jumps. Shit like that. They're cutting corners. W might be the most unique one given he has a gun, staff and fists, but in general they translated each Kamen Rider sort of okay. I'm a little disappointed that Zero-One didn't have anything but Flying Falcon in terms of early in the show forms, I think Tiger would've been cool but my guess is they literally developed the game as the show was happening, hence Fuwa not appearing and Is doesn't even get a major role, Zero-One just mentions her.

The gameplay is actually really tight, it's just boring once you're 11 hours in. The game has a levelling up mechanic that lets you unlock enhancements, they're unlocked in intervals of 2 unless you're Joker who gets one at level 1, but the rest is the same. They're things like ATK up, armor ATK up, being able to hold down the unique attack button to make it more powerful, etc. It's a decent concept except that the game really holds your hand with who you can level up. You can't level up to max from the first level anyway, which is fine, but they lock you off from being able to pick Kamen Riders so often. Most of the game you're either W or OOO and you have no fucking chance of levelling Accel, ProtoBirth, Birth or Zero-One. I ended up being able to max out W, OOO and Zero-One but I never finished Joker, Birth, ProtoBirth or Accel.

It's clearly a fanservice game, Ankh shows up, they bring in Lost Ankh, there's Mezool, Gamel, Uva, Kazari and DINOSAUR GREEED. From W's side you get Eternal, the Museum and Nazca (who is just this game's Gray Fox for whatever reason). Some of the other Dopants show up, Quetzalcoatlus, Virus, Violence, Magma, so on. There's some cyborg T-Rexes in there for like no reason. No one from Zero-One's story even shows up.

The levels are unimaginative and generic as hell from their design and just from how repetitive they end up being.

This game is carried almost exclusively by it's combat and the fact you can play as W, OOO or Zero-One.

It is absolutely STAGGERING they got Aya Kamiki and TAKUYA back to make a brand new song for this, considering it's been over a decade since we had W. Not to mention Takehito Koyasu voices Zeus in this game.

It's almost like they put effort in some areas, but not nearly enough to make it a consistently incredible game like it most definitely could've been.