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Time Played

1h 50m

Platforms Played


A Crash Bandicoot clone stripped down to nearly the bare minimum. It’s not abysmally terrible, but rather just flat-out boring. All the levels feel the same, all the bosses are the same, all the chase sequences replace Crash Bandicoot’s boulders with one of the film’s antagonists (also one of them being a random prison alien???), and it just stops introducing new mechanics pretty early in. The controls also feel stiff and your attacks will often get caught on enemy hitboxes. Some platforming sections feel bad because they expect you to jump in rapid succession but there's a sizable delay between landing and being allowed to jump again. It almost feels like the developers were given references for the locations and the characters (I bet they were given this exact frame of Lilo), but absolutely nothing for the plot. I’ve played a few Lilo & Stitch games in the past and while none of them are particularly great, this one is probably the worst. At the very least, you can 100% it in about 2 hours. I wish I could write more, but there really is just nothing else to say about this one.