Few games actually get the appeal of cartoons - that springy expressive fun that captures the imagination and brings you in for a great time. Doing this is incredibly difficult in games, so many aspects need to work together for the effect to pull off but Hi-Fi Rush makes it look easy.

The way the world pulses to the music, how npcs are used to inject comedy and character throughout the levels, the simple but entertaining story, and the satisfying combat that gradually gets more intense - if you give it time Hi-Fi Rush will draw you in.

By the end of the game the rhythm combat has developed into something incredible as you're constantly bouncing between attacking, parrying, calling in your teammates, and using awesome super attacks.

How this game uses music looks cool on paper, but playing it and actually feeling beat of the music, your north star for when to strike and parry is incredible - what an achievement of combat design. Tango Game works makes it look easy as natural an idea as could be.

From an aesthetic standpoint, I really think this is one of my favorite looking games - the art direction is extremely coherent - everything has the prefect level of detail for legibility and style - the work to design this world and cast, and then animate, art direct and voice it all is impeccable.

A sign of good direction on a project is intentionality. Everything in this game has a clear purpose. John Johanas directed The Evil Within 2, one of my favorite games and he's back flexing a totally different set of aesthetics and tones, and I can't wait to see what he and this team does next.

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2023
