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PokerJr reviewed Hogwarts Legacy
I'm torn when it comes to Hogwarts Legacy. On the one hand, I really want to like it because I have many fond memories of the Harry Potter world. On the other hand, this game has a dull story and mostly uninteresting characters whose potential is never fully realized. The combat system quickly becomes monotonous and there are far too few consequences for player decisions. The best part of the game is definitely Hogwarts itself; the castle is truly beautiful and filled with so many references that you can't find them all unless you focus exclusively on exploring it. It isn´t a bad game... just a bit disappointing when you think about what it could have been.

12 hrs ago

PokerJr reviewed Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - GOTY Edition
This game is just beautiful, not only does it have the best combat system out of the Souls-Games, it also is the only one whose story one can understand without VaatiVidya explaining it too you. For anyone struggling just remember: "Hesitation is defeat" -Some old Drunk guy

12 hrs ago

12 hrs ago

PokerJr is now playing The Witcher

8 days ago

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