What can I say abot this game, It started the entire Mega Man franchise, and it's the one that I played the most, of course this fact will affect the review in some way but I will try to be as impartial as possible.

The graphics are pretty good, they aren't the best of NES, but they are still beautiful. The enemies have a good design, my favorite boss is Fireman (Gutsman is also pretty cool) the levels are visually memorable, each one is different and you can remember easily which one is the Iceman level, or the Elecman level for example.

The soundtrack is perfect, I adore it. The musics fit well into the levels and get stuck in your mind for days. My favorite is the "Wily Fortress Theme", It feels so epic.

The game is really difficult on the first playthrough, but, the more you play, the better you get at the game, making this game satisfying to play. I completed this game a bunch of times, and now I don't have many problems doing that, the secret is to memorize the bosses weakness (Fireman's weakness is ice for example) and how to defeat the other enemies in the game.

The controls are not the most precise in the world, the charater movements are a bit clunky, but after some time playing you get the hang of it, and pass through plataform sections easily.

Unfortunately, on the NES version, the game presents lot of slow downs during the levels and some bosses.

Finaly, I really like this game, it is probably far from being the best of the franchise, but i think that it stills very fun to play. I recommend everyone to play this game on any port ever released.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2024
