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Video game sequels must be an improvement of everything that the first game did, and Portal 2 is one of the biggest examples of it. It took everything good on the first game and did it even better, at the same time, avoided all the mistakes of its predecessor.

The graphics have aged very well, the textures, the water, the art direction, everything is more beautiful than the previous game. the environments are more varied, you go through the classic test chambers and the gaps between them, seeing how the aperture laboratories work. you will also have moments where you will explore the old aperture facilities and learn more about its history.

The puzzles remain extremely creative and fun, becoming more difficult as the game progresses. They added more mechanics to the game, such as a liquid that increases Chell's jump, another liquid that increases your speed and a type of technology that allows she and objects to float.

the soundtrack in Portal 2 is better and more present, with futuristic electronic music tracks that match perfectly with the game's atmosphere. Just like the first game, this one also has a great song in the end credits.

Now the game has three active characters interacting with you, Wheatley, GLaDOS and Cave Johnson. They are all extremely charismatic and funny. Character interactions add a lot to the game's story.

If the first game was short and suffered from a lack of content, Portal 2 definitely doesn't make the same mistake. The game has a longer, more challenging campaign, as well as a fun multiplayer mode with lots of new stages to complete with a friend.

This game is incredible, one of my favorite games of all time. I definitely recommend it to everyone that likes puzzle games.

I originally played this game on my Xbox 360 years ago and I loved it, even if I haven't played it as much as Portal 2. I bought a Nintendo Switch a few months ago, and decided to buy Portal: Companion Collection to replay both of the games and see if they are still as good as i remember. Here I will talk exclusively about Portal 1.

Firstly, this game runs very well on Nintendo Switch, 1080p docked at 60 fps, which is very good for a first person game.

The mechanics of creating portals works perfectly, wich is impressive for a 2007 game, they also used Source's physics to make the main mechanic more complex. The puzzles are creative and it's difficulty increases as the game progresses, but it never get really hard, the game is short and ends before it could reach all of its potential.

The game does not have many different mechanics, but the fact that it is short prevents the player from getting tired of the game, you probably want more when you finish it, and thankfully, there is 14 extra levels to play.

The only active character in the game is GLaDOS, an AI that monitors you during the test chambers. Although she isn't as brilliant as in the second game, she remains charismatic, making ironic and demotivating comments while you play.

Another positive point of the game is that it is very cheap, on the eshop you can buy it for $6,79 in a promotion, with the second game included. On Steam promotions make the price even lower, I've seen it beeing sold for $0,99, so yeah, it really worth the price.

This game is really good and fun to play, i definitely recommend it for those who haven't played.

What can I say abot this game, It started the entire Mega Man franchise, and it's the one that I played the most, of course this fact will affect the review in some way but I will try to be as impartial as possible.

The graphics are pretty good, they aren't the best of NES, but they are still beautiful. The enemies have a good design, my favorite boss is Fireman (Gutsman is also pretty cool) the levels are visually memorable, each one is different and you can remember easily which one is the Iceman level, or the Elecman level for example.

The soundtrack is perfect, I adore it. The musics fit well into the levels and get stuck in your mind for days. My favorite is the "Wily Fortress Theme", It feels so epic.

The game is really difficult on the first playthrough, but, the more you play, the better you get at the game, making this game satisfying to play. I completed this game a bunch of times, and now I don't have many problems doing that, the secret is to memorize the bosses weakness (Fireman's weakness is ice for example) and how to defeat the other enemies in the game.

The controls are not the most precise in the world, the charater movements are a bit clunky, but after some time playing you get the hang of it, and pass through plataform sections easily.

Unfortunately, on the NES version, the game presents lot of slow downs during the levels and some bosses.

Finaly, I really like this game, it is probably far from being the best of the franchise, but i think that it stills very fun to play. I recommend everyone to play this game on any port ever released.