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This season is over and it's pretty bad. The new items are kinda meh and the loot pool sucks ass.

The new Areas are interesting but every other area has basically been reduced to nothing because all of the bosses and vaults have been removed. As a result over half of the map is a bunch of shitty boring mansions with very little variety. That was a huge problem last season but at least the vaults made them slightly interesting. Now it's just terrible.

Talking about the Loot pool again, the weapons they kept overshadow a lot of the new weapons. The Gatekeeper shotgun is really fun when used well but other than that, most of the weapons are either just carried over or pretty fucking bad. The Sniper is a pointless weapon since the DMR exists and the new Olympian items are weirdly balanced. The wings are cool at first but they just make you a BIG target, the Lightning Bolts are overpowered and way too dangerous, the Chain of Hades is awful.

We got an Avatar crossover halfway in and it made the game even worse, Insane OP shit that just made it more unbareable to play.

All I'm doing is AFKing Lego FN to get EXP so I can finish the BP and not worry about playing it.

Terrible season, one of the worst in years.

Also as a side note, all the Skins in the BP are absolute piss compared to their concept art. FN has this nasty habit of ruining the designs of all their art over the last year and I'm pretty tired of it.