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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 25, 2023

First played

November 5, 2023

Platforms Played


It's in parts a shooter, a turn-based game, an action game, and an RPG. BRS blends these things well enough and creates a combat system which is fun to play. You aim, you shoot, use skills and can pause to use various items, but you can't move in a normal way and have to dodge instead. You can't just spam either, as trying to brute force, although possible in some cases, will make you go into overload and not be able to do anything for a few seconds.
There is a certain rhythm you have to find in order to beat what the game throws at you. It's fun but what severely brings it down is the rather limited enemy variety.

The game is divided into 6 stages, each with 5 main levels (with the exclusion of stage 6 which has only 2 levels) and by the time stage 3 started, it already felt like the enemy variety began drying up, which diminished a lot of the enjoyment. The bosses at the end of each stage remained pretty cool though.

The story is anime, basically, and was alright. Without spoiling too much, it takes place in a post-apocalyptic setting.
I haven't watched Black Rock Shooter (which I probably should have), so I can't say whether it was a good or bad adaptation.

Overall environmental design felt ok, although with the exclusion of the last two levels, there weren't any memorable set pieces.

The game is structured in a way where it's perfect to play on the go. As I already mentioned, there are 6 stages and 27 levels in total. Each level can be completed rather quickly and with the exclusion of some bosses, it isn't that difficult. Beating the base game took me about 10 hours. Although it's short, I would recommend playing it in 1-2 hour sessions at a time, since the rather limited enemy variety can make it a bit of a slog otherwise.

An overall decent game with a fun combat system and cool boss battles, but stuff like the lack of memorable set pieces and limited enemy variety prevent it from being great.