I've dropped this game plenty of times before finally completing it today.
I've had difficulties with the first boss, the Medusa heads, the knockback, the stairs, and everything in between. As of this playthrough, it was stage 17 (which I won't spoil, but is quite difficult).

It's only you, your whip and your secondary weapon; nothing to make you stand out or make it possible to find a shortcut, unless you haven't accumulated enough experience from previous tries.
And this is what the game ultimately is. Like a lot of the games from the period that have limited lives, it's about gradually getting better until you finally beat it. And this was a difficult game that took quite a few tries.

But despite not being my type of game, especially with stuff like the knockback, the janky controls, and the way the stairs worked, it felt satisfying to finally complete, even if the journey to get there was still quite frustrating at times.

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2023
