The 1.5 stars are merely for the presentation, and even then I didn't enjoy a bunch of it. To be fair, I did not finish the game, but it definitely feels like I experienced a lot of the content there is to experience.

Alright first thing. Art style is kinda cool? It's very much supposed to evoke the era of 90s anime but not fully committing? It's good quality art but it all feels like it's clashing especially when you're getting your 90s shoujo looking woman at the top right of your screen between checkpoints and seeing very harsh and thick lines on enemies on environments almost to feeling cell-shaded? The main protagonist doesn't even feel like he really fits in this game's art direction.

The gameplay loop is an enticing concept on paper but needs way more then this game gives. Has a Post Void type loop of having your time constantly tick down and the only way to replenish time is to kill enemies and the game adds variation to that loop. With not just guns being the way to kill enemies but also to kick them or other upgrades relating to pushing enemies around and throwing them into obstacles in the environment. Where the game loses me is that Post Void at least has this simplicity of being an extremely bite sized game that has you running through it at crazy speeds with small levels. This game is trying to stretch that loop out into longer levels that do not have variation. Post Void also doesn't have a lot of environment variety but at least they aren't trying to make you sit there for longer then needed/wanted. Each floor feeling visually the same with some variation, the enemies changing every once and a while. You can't have a game that is built for constant replays feel so consistently same-y. A good game to replay always offers ways for you run through the same levels with your own approach and have more depth. This game has only a handful of ways to approach each situation. Overall just a very short gameplay loop stuck in a game that does not support it overall. Just feels like an extreme nothing burger.

This game's writing feels like a terminally online person who only hangs in twitch chats would think is funny in a post-ironic sense. Where the butt of a joke is like "haha guys what if a chat moderator was this ultra badass character, also heres themes about over consumerism. Can't go wrong with throwing in a streamer as the damsel in distress to get easy internet joke points" Just feels so fucking bland. I give White Noise a pass for the annoying writing but atleast that game had a really good gameplay loop which this game cannot be given as a way to overlook the bad writing. Extremely safe and boring writing meant for online people to get a laugh out of.

Overall just a very disappointing package of a game. Don't know what I was expecting but certainly something way better then what was handed to me. Skip out on this one, I don't get the hype.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
