A fantastic game full of emotion. The characters are great, and their interactions are always on par, making you sympathize them with them and be engaged in every bit of their conversations. The main theme throughout the story is delivered fantastically, by being implemented in basically two main plots of the story, making the ending even more meaningful and contemplative. Some may seem the ending to both these plots disappointing, but I think this is the best outcome for it, and the subversion of our expectations at the end is great. In one plot it is more expected, in the other less, but once you get the grasp of the main themes by the end and get the story, it feels harmonious. One problem I have with this game is that sometimes traversal feels annoying because of the limits the area of the game puts on you, which seemingly almost shouldn’t even be there. Even when you accept the limitations, it is sometimes still confusing how in one place you are able to go through and in other aren’t. Overall, a fantastic experience.
Grade: 9,5/10

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
