A truly amazing video game narrative that should not go ignored by anyone who is a fan of story-driven titles. The dialogue and the characters are so skillfully done. I don't want to reveal anything, but the game's story is so ambitious and daunting in scale and it somehow pulls it off. It's a game about SO many things and it somehow doesn't lose itself in that abundance of plotlines and concepts.

There were many times where I thought I had 1000xResist figured out, and it continued to prove me wrong and surprise me. Every time I thought I saw all that this game had to offer, it one-upped itself and just progressively rose further and further up the ranks as one of the most engaging and unique game narratives I've seen.

Obviously, as a narrative-driven game, it's the story that's the crown jewel here but it also has excellent art direction. The graphics and animation are nothing to ride home about, but the framing of scenes and how the camera can be utilized makes so many moments feel dynamic and carefully thought out. It's so well achieved that the many setbacks, like the lack of lip movement on characters, or the fact that there's not much animation at all in scenes - especially intense ones - doesn't feel like it takes away from the impact. It compliments the artistry in a way, whether intentional or not.

Talking about impact, another huge factor of what makes 1000xResist amazing is the voice acting. I was impressed by many of the performances in this game, not to mention that every line in this games script is voiced. Considering how much dialogue there is, and the indie nature of the title, that's an incredible achievement. There were a FEW odd deliveries, in my opinion, and some characters that I wasn't super keen on the performances of, but it's overall pretty excellent work.

Oh man, and THE SOUNDTRACK! A game without a beautiful OST is a crime in my eyes and I really liked what was composed for 1000xResist. With how many perspectives and layers there are to the game, it's so fitting that the music befits that as well. There's tracks that are moody, solemn piano pieces and then there are some exciting synthwave-y tracks. It's not super in-your-face like how many video game OSTs can be, but it's just as much part of the genetic makeup of this game as every other aspect.

I don't have many qualms with this game EXCEPT the Orchard. It's a neat hub area, but I found it sort of tricky to get around. The waypoint system's a bit odd and sometimes I ran around in circles just trying to find the right pathway to get somewhere. A map would have been handy getting better accustomed to it because, for the life of me, I struggled with this my entire playthrough.

Other than that, this game is amazing and I will be there day one to see whatever else the team at Sunset Visitor does next.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
