Im not kidding when i say this game made me write faster, entertaining as fuck, there are literally limitless possibilities, the after game is kinda boring, but i had fun finishing all the misions.

When you dont have anything to do, or when you're able to play with friends, its still a good game, rather you're in for the public servers or just screwing around in sandbox, would recommend.

Fucking amazing game, the base game itself may not be as entertaining, but combined with the mods and custom maps playing this with friends could be the most hilarious thing you'd do or the worst thing, still awesome.

Great game, of course its a lot better with friends, just try and not to break any controller or friendship while playing.

Maybe one of the weaker dlcs, still fun, mint berry crunch is fucking cool tho, would also recommend once you finish every other thing

Awesome Dlc, considering that is a whole after game, it feels like another fucking episode, coolio, would recommend

Didn't really quite get to finish it, still maintains the style and humor, game can really get a little repetitive imo, but still fun

Still a good awesome game, the battle mechanics are better than the first game imo, Good humor and it still feels like you're playing in an episode

Pretty good game, maintains the humor of the series and it feels like you're actually in an episode