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April 14, 2024

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There’s something you see online often that has become a parody: “Nintendo, hire this man”.
Typically this will be alongside Mario in a “photo-realistic” latest Unreal Engine world and have virtually no artistic merit what-so-ever.

However, I find myself thinking that stupid line, or at least thinking that I wish Nintendo would do more things like this.

Vikavoltius is a fan-made shmup in the style of Prodius and its ilk. Where instead of a spaceship you are controlling the Bug/Electric type Pokémon from Sun and Moon: Vikavolt.
The game is pay what you want and really it is so very short (1 stage) that I wouldn’t blame someone for paying nothing at all.

The single stage has you shooting down other Pokémon that fly in different patterns, some that fire projectiles and finishing off with a boss that I won’t spoil but I am sure there are pictures all over the page (it looks like a UFO).

Quantity there is not, but quality is where Vikavoltius makes you feel like the experience was a good use of your time. The sprites are fantastic, the remixed classic themes are brilliant and the simple but elegant power up system is enjoyable enough to do a small handful of runs without being bored to tears by the repetition of a single level.

It’s a shame there isn’t more as I feel there are a few other good Pokémon that could be transferred to a shmup and fit in perfectly.
Vikavolt themselves evolves from Charjabug and I’d love a road based level to start with, for reference it looks a bit like a bus.

I’ll finish as I started though. This may be a short-sweet proof of concept more than anything but I do miss having these mini-games from Nintendo themselves. DSiWare is long gone but Pokémon loves to shit out all sorts of other stuff and has done many other genres in a fuller form but in a much lower quality than Vikavoltius.