For a follow up to Steep (this is basically Steep 2) this is no doubt the absolute laziest version that could've been made. Such an unbelievable step down in every single way possible that it's honestly astonishing this was made by the same team. Playing Steep I felt as free as a bird and playing Riders I feel locked down to a grid even when I'm hundreds of feet in the air. Even when viewed as a standalone product this in no way feels like a finished game. Completely stiff and lifeless. Don't even get me started on the like 3 year long tutorial it forces you to finish. I'll still keep going at this for a little while longer being I foolishly paid full price for this and there's still some content I have yet to see, but I doubt unlocking any of those mildly neato wacky vehicles will make this experience any better. Was really hoping for this to scratch the itch I've had for years for a next-gen Downhill Domination (PS2, 2003) but now I have the hives for it or just really ANY OTHER extreme sports game. Best to skip this or just wait until it's really cheap (it's a UBISOFT game so probably about a month).

Edit: Have about 10 hours in this now. A few things have gotten better (downhill biking is really a thrill in first person) but most things remain bad or have gotten worse. It's a UBISOFT game and nothing more than that. Though, the game does get 1000x better when you turn off the in-game character's voices/narration.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2021
