Beyond satisfying. After those Robomodo-fucks straight up killed the franchise back in 2015 (everyone in that company, including the guy who replaces the water cooler, should face prison time for Pro Skater 5) I never thought this franchise would ever again be in the hands of a company that can actually get the controls down. Above all else, that's all that matters here (and level design, something else Robo knows nothing about, but lets just get competent controls down first).

In comes Vicarious Visions lighting a fire and destroying a decades worth of bad thoughts for the Tony Hawk name; bringing in controls so precise, tight, and smooth. When I bail it's my fault and I accept that (maybe not in the moment when I'm all pissed off but certainly at the end of the day). All they had to do was copy and put some "this generation" updates on Neversoft's formula/design and here I am 120 hours later as happy as can be (and with a damn dirty platinum trophy). Now all they have to do is mix it up in online multiplayer instead of just repeating the same five game modes every match/map with no sense of community (you play against real people but they might as well be AI bots). Gameplay is, of course, still as good as it gets, but why even offer multiplayer when you (VV) clearly don't care about it?

Just an unbelievable amount of fun working at racking up a combo millions of points higher than your last one. It's all about that practice and there is nothing more satisfying than when you see yourself landing your next highest score. I have more hours in Pro Skater 4 and THUG 2 (and probably THUG 1) than any other game out there. This series has always been a favorite of mine and to relive their glory days on the next/(I guess now) last generation of consoles is something I never thought I would see. Hope VV will go on to remake the other Pro Skaters or make their very own entry or both! ala make their own Pro Skater 5 and just completely ignore that there ever was one before it.

Reviewed on Nov 28, 2020
