I've tried this game multiple times even including the first beta that came out like 6 years ago but this game has no substance at all and its hard to play for an hour without getting bored out of your mind.

Theres pretty much no story, the gunplay is terrible and the side quests are just fetch quests to justify you walking through the empty world. Its sad the world has a lot of cool detailed areas but nothing to do in them aside from shooting the same exact set of enemies over and over again or
clicking on something random to finish a quest. coudnt use half of the weapons i got either due to the terrible level system. worst of all the coop system barely works instead of sharing quests in your party everyone has to do them individually if they want all of the rewards for beating it, it just ends being you watching your other team members do the same thing you just did.

just frustrating as this could have been a decent experience

Reviewed on May 22, 2024

1 Comment

25 days ago

The co op quest thing just blows my mind. I couldn't believe it when I found out about it, and I can't believe that's still the way the game works.