Venba 2023

Log Status






Time Played

1h 10m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 5, 2023

Platforms Played


To set expectations accordingly, go into this expecting an interactive Pixar movie, in both time spent and how similarly they can tug at your heartstrings depending on how you relate to the source material.

I didn't know too much about this game before playing it, just that it had gotten some critical acclaim but also some negative feedback regarding its length. I didn't mind the length at all. On the contrary, I felt like it wrapped up just when it should have.

The story is about an immigrant couple from India trying to make a new life for themselves in Canada, with all of what that entails. As a third culture kid, a lot of the themes resonated pretty heavily with me even if the specifics were sometimes different. But the core of the story, trying to fit in at the expense of shunning your close ones, is something I think a lot of people can relate to even without sharing a similar background.

I haven't touched on the gameplay at all; that's because it's of secondary importance to the story being told, and frankly there's not a whole lot to talk about in regards to it. Most of the gameplay segments revolve around cooking, where you have to follow the titular Venba's mother's somewhat-damaged recipe book to make some insanely delicious looking Tamil dishes. It's not hard, and if you fail you just try again immediately. The cooking exists as a bonding device between loved ones, and it definitely manages to pack an emotional punch. I'm trying not to go into specifics as I definitely believe the story is something everyone should get to experience for themselves.

All in all, a wonderful little package.