Log Status






Time Played

43h 40m

Days in Journal

9 days

Last played

March 13, 2024

First played

February 22, 2024

Platforms Played


"The localization is fine. Please just reconnect with soap and water for god's sake."

As someone who hopped on the VanillaWare train incredibly late, I am very happy to say that Unicorn Overlord is another really great RPG from them! It's, from what I've gathered, a lot closer to their older work than 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim. And just for starters, if you're expecting this game narratively to blow your dick off the way 13 Sentinels did, you will probably be disappointed. While the game's story isn't bad, it is fairly rote and predictable. Which isn't a bad thing and it remains entertaining due to its memorable cast of characters.

But like I said, this is maybe the one time where I can safely say that the story not being incredible isn't a deal breaker for an RPG, as the rest of the game is pretty damn great. To get the obvious out of the way, the art style and visual landscapes all look incredible. I sincerely wish to see more hand-drawn 2D RPGs in the future because this looks amazing. Additionally, the game sounds amazing too, not just with its great music but its strong sound design as well.

And of course, the strategy gameplay in this game is incredibly entertaining and borderline addicting. It seems simple and basic at first, but it opens itself up to a nice flow, while not being mindless like a bunch of the more recent FE games (insert Fates joke here). Some of the later missions especially actually required quite a bit of strategy and left me thinking for quite a bit on what path to take.

While some of its smaller gameplay systems like the Romance system could use some work (insert Fates joke he-), and I wish the UI was a lot more snappy and user-friendly with its layout, the overall flow of the gameplay is incredibly strong despite its narrative not being the most unique thing out there. Unicorn Overlord is an incredibly strong SRPG that I'd recommend to fans of the genre, even if in multiple ways, I do prefer 13 Sentinels to this game.