This is the best game I dont like.

Its hard not to respect Fromsoft for making this game at this time. Fromsoft massively impacting single player video games with the soulsborne series and then immediately after the apex of that formula, we get (what appears to be) the apex of their original formula.

There's just one downside, for me at least. I just don't vibe with that formula.

Armored Core VI is the second mech type game I've played after Daemon X Machina. And playing this confirmed two things. One is that, yes, Daemon is just a bad video game and its not just the genre. And two, is that I just don't like the gameplay loops of mech games. Because this is an AMAZING mech game.

The gameplay loop is basically head in the garage and throw yourself at a mission or a boss until one build sticks. And similarly to throwing yourself at a boss in Dark Souls, the end result is incredibly satisfying. But unlike Dark Souls, I dont really vibe with the process all that much. It feels too.. repetitive and in a very bland way. Maybe its because I spent a fair chunk of this 16 hour game in a menu, but I just didn't vibe with the loop all that much. Especially when the missions are as short as they are.

Additionally, the technical performance of this game is... mostly good, but between a few crashes and a couple visual bugs I'm kinda disappointed with how this shipped, especially when the game looks this good.

The story is mostly carried by its great voice acting but the actual narrative and characters are woefully unremarkable. No spoilers, but at least the game wraps up in a very compelling way.

Yeah, ultimately its still a fromsoft game. It has great bosses, beautiful graphics and music, great voice acting, and some pretty satisfying sequences. If you are a fan of armored core or mech games, then I have found your new favorite game. Don't let me ruin the fun for you.

I'm not gonna vibe with every video game genre out there, and this not being a soulslike has nothing to do with that. Between that gameplay loop, the bland story and characters, and the performance hitches I don't see myself coming back to this any time soon.

Its better than dark souls 2 at least....

Reviewed on Aug 27, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

fair stances to have. but just for the sake of conversation: i wouldn't really say armored core or daemon x machina (granted i haven't played that) are really the be all end all of mecha games in terms of mechanics. while i definitely appreciate the [finish mission -> go to garage -> repeat] structure, there's a decent amount of stuff out there which is more just shoot shoot slash bang boom without the finer details

consider checking out the 360 gundam musou games, the first mechassault, zone of the enders, bulk slash and slave zero. all very different approaches but mech games nonetheless. games like cybernator, front mission gun hazard, bangai-o and assault suit leynos bear mentioning as well on the 2d front

thank you for being one of the few negative leaning people who aren't shitting themselves over armored core not being dark souls!