"The Coke-Addicted Baby of Mario World and Tropical Freeze"

Super Mario Bros. Wonder should not be a real game. It's absolutely incredible just how much time, effort, and passion went into each frame of this game. It successfully did the hardest uphill battle Mainline Mario has ever had to deal with, which was to redeem 2D Mario in the good graces of the public.

After 17 years with the new Super Mario bros series everyone either bounced off of 2D Mario or was desperately waiting for a new innovative title in the style of Mario 3 or World, and here is me slapping in the face to tell you that THIS is that game.

Mario Wonder is one of the best-looking games on the entire system. From the lighting to the textures, to the new art style, to all of the creative new animations and backgrounds it looks like a fucking painting. The Music is also really great as usual, with some standout tracks and good use of adaptive music throughout.

But the absolute best thing about this game is just how much game there is here. If there was ever any doubt that a 2D Mario is worth selling at $60, take the absolutely monstrous amount of main levels, with a bunch of different side missions like Badge Challenges, KO Arenas, Wiggler Races, and Search Rooms that are all fun in their unique way, with 12 playable characters and unique wonder effects that almost always surprise and impress you, it's crazy how much design variety there is here.

Each level feels completely distinct even if they share level themes or wonder effects, and for every one level that isn't incredible there's like 4 more that are right afterward. It's one of the most creative platformers I've ever seen. And the connective tissue and structure of this game is also what sells it. Between the different worlds and the unique challenges they face, to all of the fun dialogue, to some worlds not even ending with bosses, it makes this game feel like a Paper Mario game at times. It feels like a true action/adventure game.

And speaking of dialogue, I love those fucking flowers so much. They're consistently entertaining and funny, and even if you don't like them, you can turn off the voices and text separately, so you're good! The voice acting for all of the characters is also way more in-depth and entertaining than usual with the new voices of Mario, Luigi, Daisy, and Yoshi all doing a great job!

So is there any.. problems with the game? On a nitpicky scale, yeah. The online, from what I've heard, isn't the absolute smoothest. It mostly just works but does stutter occasionally. It's the switch and it's not enough to ruin the multiplayer. But for me personally, the only real issue I have is just a disappointment. I wish there were more bosses in this game than JUST Bowser and Bowser Jr. I'm fine with the Koopalings being gone, but if this game had unique bosses then it would probably be the best 2D Platformer... ever, I think?

But for now, it's still probably my favorite Mario game 2D or otherwise, and one of the best PLATFORMERS ever made. Not just 2D. Just platformers in general.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2023
