I.... think I liked this game?

I was most certainly entertained by it, but judging it unironically is actually kinda tricky. On an unironic level, the story is a fucking mess with a lot of really poor characters, pacing issues, and some aspects of the story that either make no sense or go nowhere. But at the same time it was so fucking hilarious that I never saw this as a huge issue. This is the quintessential "So bad it's good game." I liken this story to something like The Room. Its fun to make fun of, even if it technically isn't that great.

The gameplay on the other hand is actually pretty decent beyond the ironic enjoyment. The combat is pretty fun, challenging, and customizable to a degree that i actually had quite a bit of fun with this game.

Exploration is also minimized to a fairly minimal degree due to the corridor like level design, and also unoptimization of this game, at least on pc.

Not only does it look really rough on this one, but it also lags, stutters, and crashes fairly frequently, making me lose chunks of progress. There were also a lot of visual and mechanical bugs on PC so that's also not great. If you are gonna play this game, play it on ps5.

Overall, I was entertained with this game. Despite the bugs and the framerate stuttering and the poor level design and the bad characterization, this game is entertaining. I have an ironic enjoyment for the story and a genuine enjoyment for the combat, so I think this game is at least worth checking out at least once to see what chaos is ensuing here.

Reviewed on May 24, 2022
