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Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

December 23, 2023

First played

December 21, 2023

Platforms Played


Alright, ill say it, i dont like fortnite anymore.

To say that epic games had achieved success with Fortnite back in 2017-2018 wouldve been an complete understatement. This shit took over the world, and for a while it felt like it wasn't trying to be anything it wasn't, it was a bit bare bones sure, but it was an endearing game with a beating heart.

it doesnt feel like that anymore.

It feels like an extension of the fucking Epic Games Store. Where i can purchase random bullshit IP# 55678 and make them shoot other random IP#67431. Originally i was ok with this just being how fortnite was at this point. It wasn't about the gunplay or the building, it was about having a gigantic game with a bunch of different IP running in to each other. Its kinda like smash ultimate, but with the running cohesive thread being simply "they can all shoot each other and dance"

Epic decided that this was not enough, it was time to expand Fortnite into different genres of games! And the response has been! "uhhh.... ok?"

The battle royale mode was originally made to sell people on the co-op PVE mode Save the World, but that clearly didn't end up working out. So why do they think that these will work out any better? People hop onto fortnite to shoot ryu, build battle spiderman, and gangnam style after killing jack skellington, not play a mediocre game that meets the BARE MINIMUM to be considered in the realm of a racing game.

My point being is that epic just needs to understand what they are at this point. They shouldn't be the new fucking roblox, they should just be the funny silly gun game with all your favorite characters!
Lest you worry about how that feeds into capitalistic mindset of video game companies to look at this and see dollar signs waiting to be put in their bank accounts as long as they add peter griffin to their game!

atleast fortnite is one of the better companies doing the whole "grab as much IP as we possibly can!" in terms of how mostly consumer friendly they are and good at listening to their community.
( unlike some companies....AHEM..blizzard....)