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Time Played

140h 0m

Days in Journal

24 days

Last played

August 21, 2022

First played

July 29, 2022

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has cemented Xenoblade as my favorite series of video games of all time. Meeting my every expectation and more, we're never getting a game this special for a long time, that's what my gut's saying anyway.

As of writing, I have finished the game, but am doing post-game. I'm planning on replaying it again so I can do a follow-up review that goes more in-depth on my feelings. For now though, my initial thoughts.

The story is an emotional roller coaster from start to finish. I've never felt more connected to a cast of characters in Xenoblade, or really any game in a long time. It got me choked up on several occasions, which is rare. It does have shortcomings, definitely, but I can overlook all of it because this game made me feel something that I'm never going to forget.

Gameplay that is slower and strategic like the first game, yet still fast and always something to set up for, or to pay attention to, never a dull moment, like the second game. Combining both battle systems with even higher satisfaction and how they work together without any issues seems impossible, but they did it. Easily my favorite combat system ever, took everything I loved from both games, and added on top of it to make this game stand out. Variety is also as strong as Xenoblade 2, but not nearly as overwhelming, and everything you gain access to is viable and useful in their own ways, which encourages way more experimentation. Concepts and weapon types that felt under-baked or under utilized from the past two entries have been updated and are fantastic as well!

The world is so vast, and so much fun to explore. I adored almost every setting this game had to offer, while it certainly wasn't as whimsical as prior games, it's still worth exploring and easy to get immersed into. Actually exploring it is so much easier and fun now too. Field skills from Xenoblade 2 return, but they made them progression based, and not a stat check, and it's wonderful. They also fully utilized these field skills in this entry with a lot of the world design, and I'm a huge fan, genuinely a substantial leap forward in almost every shortcoming exploration had in the past two games.

Music is just as amazing as it's always been. While I do think there are more forgettable tracks this time around, the tracks that do stick became some of my favorite in the series, and that is no small feat. I will relinquish some music that plays in the different areas is the weakest part of the soundtrack to me, music played in cutscenes and battles are phenomenal, much more cinematic and grand, like a movie almost, I was honestly a huge fan of the direction they went with it.

Most beautiful Switch game I've ever laid my eyes on almost. This to me is in the running between Breath of The Wild, and Luigi's Mansion 3 for best looking Switch game. Has the same vibrant colors and expressive character designs from Xenoblade 2, but has the more mature and grounded designs of the first game, basically the best of both worlds. These character designs are awesome, I love all of them so much, there truly isn't a weak character design in this game to me, they're all incredible, fixing a major issue once again from its predecessors.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 will forever be a favorite of mine, and a game that means so much to me, and will likely only deepen as time goes on. I'm planning on doing a way more in-depth review of this game after playing through the story one more time, so I can collect all my thoughts on it, as well as the game in general. I also have not yet rated this game, or marked it as complete as of making this review, but just know it's 5 stars from me, and will likely go on to 100% this game, as well as the DLC in the future.