Having just beaten this game awhile ago, my full thoughts on a lot of stuff are pretty foggy, but I'll at least say what I liked and disliked.

Felt like it had Nocturne as a foundation, which I liked. Awesome music as always. Fantastic new demons and designs (Amanozako especially for me). Level design was alright, got a little hard to understand later on. Grinding for certain things is a pain. The story merely exists to give the game a reason to not end five minutes in. Best combat ever in a SMT game, was on the easier side of things on Normal, Hard mode brought more of what I expected, so that's good.

Overall, I really liked it, play this over the winter and get comfortable like I did. Ended up putting in 70 hours in total, so it's definitely a time-sink, but I think it was worth experiencing.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2021
