I love 2 player games which feature a difficulty curve, and when I saw the trailer for this game i thought i'd love it. And I did, for a while. The characters are amazing, laughing and making jokes about your ability to climb, everyone completely crazy (Edgar has to be the most memorable npc I met in the game). The visuals are crisp and match the game very well and the idea of the mechanics are actually pretty cool.
But then I realised all the problems this game still has; the inconsistencies, the lag, the randomness in your swing, not always working as an anchor (and sometimes working on ice?), the problems with Jeff's mechanics, the problem with anchoring on moving platforms, etc. And most of this would have been forgiven in any other game, but this is a rage game, a climb where you can fall, far, far down if you make a mistake, or if the game just gives up on you, though luck. Games like these should never have inconsistencies in their mechanics, it's not acceptable, if you fall it should always be your own fault. That is the sole reason I had a bad time with this game, its mechanics are not finished and unpolished.
After reaching about 280 meters in multiplayer mode, with no previous problems, we got constant lagging and delay up to three seconds, and couldn't continue our climb. That's when I started my single player climb (which I just finnished) and experienced most of the game’s inconsistencies.
And yes, I know that this game was originally a couch co-op and that the couch co-op probably doesn’t have as many problems as single player and online multiplayer has. I think I am going to replay this game at some point, when all bugs have been fixed, and mechanics polished, and I think I’m going to enjoy it, but right now these are my thoughts.

Reviewed on Aug 22, 2023
