Briefly entertaining and certainly cathartic - at least when you're one of those non-specific people who've lost 24+ hours of their life 100%-ing Johnathan Blownathon's "The Witness" for no reason other than a craving for a slow and aimless dopamine dripfeed while you're at your most suicidally-depressed.

Some genuinely very funny moments in this one, and quite creative - where it stumbles and falls flat on its face is before its ending, where it invokes the exact type of tedium it aimed to parody. Please, learn from Kikiyama: A maze where you can't at any point see the entirety of it, where all walls look the exact fucking same, is NOT GOOD DESIGN, and will frustrate your players, no matter how hard you strain your eyelids winking at them.

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2022
