Dark Souls 3 is the perfect end to one of the best trilogies in gaming. Its atmosphere and gameplay make it stand out as one of the best of the 2010’s.

DS3 strikes the perfect blend of drawing inspiration from the first game while still doing its own thing. The game tells a beautiful tale of trying to protect the world through a process that also destroys it. Then, it ends by giving you the same choice players were faced with in the first game but this time with added nuance. I can’t think of a better way to end the trilogy’s story. This narrative is of course portrayed through ambiguous npcs and item descriptions.

DS3 achieves a great flow between trekking through a dungeon to get to the next boss and struggling against a boss to get to the next dungeon. With excellent level and boss design this back and forth never gets tiring. There is a very large roster of bosses so it isn’t too egregious, but there are a few too many gimmick fights for my taste.

The world and character design of the game is stunning, but pales in comparison to the soundtrack. Almost every boss has a track that will blow you away. Specifically the way they had throwbacks to previous games in the music from the final boss was incredible.

DS3 also offers a lot of replayability with its build variety. There are many different builds players can have but gameplay-wise it mostly boils down to martial or magical builds. When you add new game + and PVP there are a lot of things to keep you playing the game.

Dark Souls 3 has left a lasting impact on me and cemented the dark souls trilogy as one of the best in gaming.
( 97/100 )

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024
